Looking For Ambitious Entrepreneurs and Visionaries who want to...

Clear #1 Deepest Subconscious Block, Unleash Your Soul Power, & Be Re-born as Your Super Self...
in Just 10 Weeks

PLUS, qualifying applicants get a FREE soul clearing session over Zoom
(So you could see that our method actually works)

Hi, I'm Chang Oh, creator of the SoulFire Transfiguration program.

Here's what people are saying after just ONE session...

Deeply Transformational without the drama or intensity...(of plant medicine)

Jeanne Barreira, RN

Charleston, SC

* Jeanne has an extensive background working with ayahuasca in association with a plant medicine church in Brazil

I just completed a Compassion Key session with Chang and was completely blown away! He guided me from present day concerns and challenges to childhood wounds. He took me back to where the hurts and deep wounds occurred in my early childhood and gently supported me in identifying and releasing the emotional ties I had been holding on to for so many years. He identified key triggers and feelings associated with these wounds and allowed me to help my younger self be comforted and held in such a way that offered so much compassion and care. Using his intuitive abilities Chang went deeper and helped me explore a past life where karmic ties had been carried over into this lifetime allowing for an emotional release that felt freeing and reinvigorating. I left the session feeling empowered and energized to continue the work I was designed for and is my mission while on this earth. Thank you, Chang, for guiding me on this incredible soul activating journey! Highly recommend a Compassion Key session with Chang!!"

Susan L.

Entrepreneur & Coach

I have known for a long time that my childhood traumas held me back from moving towards certain life goals. Mainstream talk therapy had little effect in helping me move through these traumas. Chang is a skilled and compassionate therapist. His transformative approach had an immediate effect in connecting me to my childhood wounds from a safe space and helped me release them. Through a cathartic process, I experienced a profound emotional release of the pain that no longer served me. After the session, I felt a sense of freedom in my mind and that I could take on life’s challenges with more courage. If anyone hasn’t felt a shift with other therapies, I recommend they reach out to Chang."

Tara D.

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

It was a deep emotional session. I opened myself up and let Chang guide me through the healing process. At the end of the session I felt complete peace and letting go of the issues. I felt connected and I felt so much lighter as if a heavy burden emotion was lift off my shoulders. Thank you Chang for being an amazing beautiful soul. You are such an inspiration and I would recommend you with all my heart! It was such a pleasure to have the healing session with you."

Thao P.


I am definitely more relaxed about money since our session and money is beginning to flow inwards to my life faster than it flows out for possibly the first time ever! I am more relaxed about the flow and treating it more like a game now, rather than the anxious worry it has previously been.."

Laurie H.

United Kingdom

You were not prepared for what transpired but you kept fully present and were able to stay with me in a gentle and solid way. You did an incredible job being in the unknown and allowing me to Be fully my True Self and Seen while holding the space of compassion. You really are a Master Chang and you will be incredible as a Transformational Coach.

Paula D.

Perth, Australia

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